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Following is a listing of local area Chamber Members ( If you would like to have your FREE Word Ad listening here, please email you add to!
Personal Knowledge / Business Relationship
Following is a listing of local area Chamber Members (listings are in no particular order): 

DENTIST <> William A. Grella Jr DDS Inc. 5175 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach, Ca / 562-597-1543 / E: Note: World-class operation. Best dental exprience ever! I'm in your corner, Sir! 
PLUMBING <> A1 Best Plumbing 24/7 Services / Residental & Commerical / / Vince Attardo @562-981-2636  
ACTIVEPURE TECHNOLOGIES <> Air & Water Purification Systems by ActivePure Technologies /  Services / Residental & Commerical / Vince Attardo @ 562-981-2636