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My son recently informed me that he has several young adults (on the spectrum) whom he feels are capable of living independently with minimal supervision. However, their parents have requested that they remain under his personally supervised care and in one of his properties. Because of this he is urgently looking to purchase two (3 to 4 bedroom houses) in the Long Beach south bay area! 

We would perfer to work directly (For Sale By Owners) to avoid some of the closing cost. If you are aware of someone selling a (For Sale By Owner) property that fits our needs, please advise! We have some exprience in buying in this manner. We pay hefty referral fees! Contact Us!

Adaptive Behavior Consultant - adaptivebxc.com  

Providing innovative solutions and professional care. Serving Young Adults across the spectrum.

Learn More @ adaptivebxc.com.Text/Ph: 310-951-9517 / randyjdowdy@gmail.com / Contact Us!  

Please call me direct @ 714-273-5223! This Joker is so busy he can barely keep his head above water! Contact Us!