Under Development!
Following are a few stories, (Q-Stories), as I like to call them that I have enjoyed
writing, reading or hearing over the years. Somehow they all seemed to fit so well in my life. Needless to say
I am hoping that you enjoy them as much as I have. If you enjoy them, please pass them on to your family and friends.
Rabbit Hunting
/ Uncle Joe The Preacher Man / Don't Quit / The Traveling Monk / The Spider Monkey / Gallahand 72 / The Fly / Force Road March
/ The Missing M16 / The Human Lobster / Chris / The Lady on The Phone / The Human Crab / The German Pool Player / The 1988
Olimpics / The German Sgt / Kicked Out of Class / Harmony / The Red Car / 21 Days to a New Life / The Love of Reading / The
Best Communicator / Tarzan of The Apes / The Greatest Power / The King's Killer Dogs / My Guaradin Angle / The Copy Machine
/ Sam the Taylor / Book's or Pay /
Many more to come ...