With Special Needs

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Types of Issues 

There are a number of different issues that Special needs Individuals and their families and caregivers face.  This Blog is in place for families with children with special needs to be able to connect for the betterment of Our children as a whole.  This resource should be used with the intention of bringing families together in strength and support. As they say …

"It takes a village"

Following are the most common characteristics that can be considered challenges or strengths depending on their severity as identified by the aforementioned survey: 

01) Difficulty understanding language and social cues, 

02) Excessive or minimal speech, 

03) Concrete thinker, often has difficulty with abstract concepts, 

04) Difficulty relating to others Social awkwardness, 

05) Intense interests or concentration, 

06) Repetitive behaviors such as pacing, rocking or hand flapping, 

07) Sensitivity to light, sound, smell or other sensory issues, 

08) Anxiety or abnormal fears 

09) Complex and in some cases challenging behaviors, 

10) Difficulty managing transitions or changes in routine, 

11) Strong visual skills, 

12) Excellent memory for facts and statistics, 

13) Adheres to rules and honesty sometimes to a fault, 

14) Musical, mathematical, technological, artistic ability or interest


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