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Please provide answers the following questions (as best you can):  

Step 01:

1 / Business Name: _____________________________________________________

2 / State Organized In: __________________________________________________

3 / Number of Employees (Max: 100) _______________________________________

4 / Your Name: _________________________ Email Add: ______________________

5 / Business Owner Name: ________________________________________________ 

Step 02.

1 / Estimated Hourly Rate to call an Attorney NOW? $_________

2 / Hourly Rate For Consultation With an Attorney NOW? $ _________  

Step 03:

1 / How many different people in your firm needs to be able to contact an attorney, ie., (Owner, 

CEO, COO, H/R Manager) up to 5 Maximum:

1 /

2 /

3 /

4 /

5 / 

Step 4: 

If cost was not an issue, in an average year

1 / How many times would you ask a lawyer to send a letter on behalf of your company? ___  / ____

2 / How many documents and contracts you need to have a lawyer review? ___  / ____

3 / How many times would you call a lawyer for legal advice or consultation? ___ / ____

4 / How many times would you seek guidance on sales and marketing issues? ___ / ____

5 / How many times would you need outside help on an HR challenge? ___ / ____

6 / How many times would you ask for help to understand tax information? ___ / ____

7 / How many times would you seek help in understanding a technology issue? ___ / ____

8 / How many times would you seek help in understanding government regulations? ___ / ____

9 / How many times would you seek help in hiring and especially firing employees? ___ / ____

10 / Do you have any concerns about slip and fall lawsuits? ___  / ____

11 / Do you have any concerns about personal related lawsuits? ___ / ____

12 / Do you have any concerns about sexual harassment lawsuits? ___ / ____

13 / Do you have any concerns about disgruntled employees? ___ / ____

Step 5:

1. Could your business improve its debt collection success rate if collection letters were written by a quality law firm using their letterhead? ___ Yes ____ No ____ Don't Know!

2 / How many debt collection letters would you need to be sent each month on average? ___ / ____

3 / Are you concerned that your business may need trial defense protection (including pre-trial proceedings) during the next year? ___ Yes ____ No!

Please provided your responses as identified below, (you may also give us a call with your responses and we will give you our recommendations immediately):